About us – About Andreas Kraemer

Andreas Kraemer

Several stations with many different facets have accompanied my career. What at the age of perhaps 20 years did not yet reveal a concrete goal, in retrospect became a life plan that today allows me to draw a very positive résumé from training, many years in desired professions and considerable life experience.

  • Born 1974 in Saarbrücken/Germany
  • Graduation from “Höheren Handelsschule” in Saarbrücken, Germany in 1994
  • Completed training as an “industrial clerk” in Saarbrücken, Germany in 1996
  • Several years of professional experience as an industrial clerk in his parents’ company
  • Retrained as an insurance salesman, graduating in 2001, Germany
  • Affected by hair loss, several hair transplantations followed
  • It was at this point that I became very interested in all aspects of hair loss and hair transplants.
  • Several years of intensive study of this subject followed, resulting in the founding of the hair transplant consultancy in 2004 with the intention of accompanying other sufferers on their way to a successful hair transplant, which requires in particular the choice of a suitable hair surgeon/clinic.
  • From several years of experience with internet services, the additional activity in the areas of website creation, search engine optimisation, video creation and social media services arose in 2008, which among other things also extended the cooperation with Hairforlife cooperating doctors/clinics.
  • The experiences with victims of unsuccessful or even botched hair transplantations, who turned to Hairforlife seeking help, were motivating factors for another branch of activity, which was launched in 2012 in cooperation with lawyer Christoph Bomke (medical law firm BBP Rechtsanwälte based in Berlin) Common objective: Consultation and assistance for victims of botched cosmetic surgery.
  • The accompaniment of victims of botched cosmetic corrections and especially hair transplants increasingly highlighted the need for qualified specialists. In cooperation with the renowned Hairline Clinic/Dr. Özgür and Dr. John Cole, one of the best-known hair surgeons worldwide, and Hairforlife, the “HTTC Hair Transplant Training Centre for Doctors” was launched in Ankara in 2015 This created a facility located in Ankara that enables doctors with a specialist focus on hair transplants to enjoy excellent surgical training

Media appearances from Andreas Krämer in Germany, Switzerland and Asia

As a hair transplant consultant, I have been interviewed by the media several times in my career as an expert. Here a small excerpt from some media appearances:

Manila Times, Philippines, Asia

In July 2018, I was invited by the Manila Times to Manila, Phil for an interview:

PDF of the Manila Times article

Link to the article on the Manila Times website: “Heades Up: Baldness Is a Thing of the Past“:

Businessmagazin The Corporate, Philippines, Asia

In spring 2018, I was interviewed by the business magazine “The Corporate” in Manila, Philippines


PDF of the Hairforlife article in “The Corporate

TV report about hair transplantation in the Germany television station SWR, format “Schlaglicht” with the title “Jedes Haar zählt” (“Every hair counts”) in year 2013

In 2013, I was featured in Germany in the TV report of the SWR series “Schlaglicht” by Sabine Harder with the title: “Every hair counts – the fight against hair loss”. Me to be seen from minute 12.12.

German TV Channel “ZDF” and format “Drehscheibe” about Hair Transplant in Turkey 2012

I was interviewed about hair transplantation in Turkey on the German television channel ZDF’s Drehscheibe format. Andreas Krämer to seen from minute 2.12

Telephone expert in the live programme on Swiss television SRV, health magazine Puls 12.12.11

In a tv programme in switzerland in a health magazin with the name “Puls” (topic hair transplantation) I was on duty as a telephone expert.

The picture shows Doctor Heitmann on the left and Andreas Krämer on the right.

Swiss/Switzerland TV Health magazine Puls 2011

In 2011 I was seen in the Swiss/Switzerland TV health magazine Puls. The TV Television Channel SRF visited me in my office in Switzerland and recorded an consultation. Andreas Kraemer seen from minute 14.30. Here the video link (if you try to watch it from Australia, it may not be available for legal reasons):

Swiss Television popular programme “Tagesschau” 2011

Andreas Kraemer Switzerland television SRF Tagesschau

I was interviewed as an expert in hair transplantation on the very popular “Tagesschau” programme on Swiss television SRF. Here is the link (If you try to watch it from Australia, it may not be available for legal reasons).

German Television SAT 1 – Am Abend – 2006

In 2006, I was interviewed on the subject of hair transplantation by the German television station SAT 1. Andreas Krämer to seen from minute 1.18

Happy family father of triplets since November 2018 – But a family also needs to be fed and interested in investments to secure the future.

Despite tightly scheduled professional activities in self-employment and a very fulfilled life, the question comes up in a quiet minute: “What happens if strokes of fate occur or illnesses bring professional life to a sudden end?”

In the meantime, I am also the father of wonderful little triplets, which of course makes you think about the financial security for the whole family!

Exploring the possibilities for a professional back-up and taking necessary precautionary measures – these topics became therefore more and more present with me.

As travelling describes also my greatest passion and I am also very often on the road professionally, I have had ample opportunity to get to know the lifestyles of people in distant countries and also foreign cultures.

I have travelled to Australia, the USA, but mainly to Asian countries such as Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand or the Philippines – whether it be in terms of consulting work for (clinic organisation, choice of instruments, after-care service, mail management, etc.) or privately.

Longer and more frequent stays allow more intensive impressions of the country and its people, which usually remain hidden from an ordinary tourist. Very interesting business and private contacts are made, but grievances also inevitably become apparent. From the perspective of a native Western European, various initiatives in the interest of the local population may at first seem somewhat strange. However, on closer inspection and accompanied by professional briefings, special and interesting business structures can be found that holistically cover many service areas with the aim of facilitating and improving the lives of the local population.

The great enthusiasm for New Zealand, Australia and Asian countries, but also in particular the feeling of being at home that arises during visits to the Philippines, led to the decision to become active there as an investor.

Reporting on my investment experiences, but also giving others the opportunity to report on their investment experiences

On this page I would like to report about my experiences with my investments and also give other people who have invested a lot of money the opportunity to report on my page, whether positive or negative.

Investment money can be sent electronically from any corner of the world, no one needs to travel there in person. For some people this is enough, for others it is not – as it is not for me. Personal commitment and being on the ground myself have shaped and accompanied my entire professional career, so that I can always see changes and progress with my own eyes and experience them first-hand.

Although I took a very close look at the companies I invested in in Australia and the Philippines, for example, I know from my own experiences that you can still make big mistakes. I would like to point out the possible dangers of investments on this page in order to protect others from making the wrong investments.

Especially when it comes to money and when the invested money had to be worked hard, one should really be very careful.

I would like to warn others to be very cautious. With my site, however, I would like to give people the opportunity to report on their bad experiences, which would otherwise find little platform for reporting on the Internet, and thus also warn other people about dubious investments, so that no more people lose their hard-earned money unnecessarily.

But people are also welcome to share positive experiences here! So that fair business people who let people invest and share in the profits and who really act seriously and fairly, according to the motto “give and take”, can also find positive mention here!

Important – only verified experience reports: All reports are checked. No publication without important details and verification

It is important that all experience reports are checked by me personally for accuracy and truth, especially if real names are published here. You are welcome to email me negative and positive reports for publication, but I will check everything manually for truth and accuracy. I will therefore also need all important documents for verification.